“Microalgae β-agonist Team” of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology won the gold medal in the 3rd China College Students’ Internet+ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, with Prof. Jun-Jie Chu awarded the "Award for Best Advisor in Excellent Innovation and Entrepreneurship."

“Microalgae β-agonist Team” of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology participated in the 3rd China College Students’ Internet+ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, winning the gold medal with its “Innovative production technology and fermentation process of developing microalgae into natural Beta-adrenergic agonist.” Team advisor, Prof. Jun-Jie Chu was awarded the "Award for Best Advisor in Excellent Innovation and Entrepreneurship."


【The 3rd China College Students’ Internet+ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition: Awarding Ceremony.】

The current gold medal competition from China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan In the competition, 33 teams were elected from the 127 participating teams, qualifying the final competition for the gold medal. Since the start of the competition in March, a total of 2,241 colleges and universities have been involved, with 370,000 items for team registration and 1.5 million students in participation—a new record high indeed. The finalists included 127 projects, with119 from China and 8 from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. It was not easy that Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology team stood out and was unanimously favored by the judges.


【Professor Jun-Jie Chu of South Taiwan University of Science and Technology (middle) and “Microalgae β-agonist Team”— Wei-Cheng Wang (left) and Shu-Mei Wang (right)--which won the gold medal.】

Prof. Jun-Jie Chu of the Department of biotechnology, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, led his team—Wei-Cheng Wang, Fan-Wei Lan, Yan-Ling Tsai, and Shou-Mei Wang from Fu Jen University—to China with their “Innovative production technology and fermentation process of developing microalgae into natural Beta-adrenergic agonist.”


【Professor Jun-Jie Chu of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology was awarded the "Excellent Innovation Entrepreneurship Award."】

As the production of clenbuterol and other similar chemical products have problems drug residues and other issues, bringing great impact on the human body, especially when it proves easy to remain in the animal's internal organs and other body parts. Chinese people generally have the habit of eating animal offal, so it has become an important issue how to reduce the fat of pigs and other livestock while at the same time avoiding the problem of drug residues from happening. The team developed a composite microbial symbiotic fermentation technology to produce a natural microalgae fermentation concentrate that can be used as a substitute for Beta-adrenergic agonist. In addition to the promotion of livestock growth, their microalgae Beta-adrenergic agonist can increase immune regulation and adjust animal body functions, with the same effects found in clenbuterol. It can also increase ratio of lean in the animal body. Their work was so highly appraised that it won the gold medal, and Prof. Jun-Jie Chu was awarded the "Award for Best Advisor in Excellent Innovation and Entrepreneurship."
