「Wednesday Cinema」 will play 【Fueled : the man they called "Pirate"】at 15:00 June 20, 2018.

2018/6/14 ~ 2018/6/20
View Count:1861

The Library 「Wednesday Cinema」 will play 【Fueled : the man they called "Pirate"】on the 12th floor at 15:00 June 20, 2018.

【Fueled : the man they called "Pirate"】 (海賊とよばれた男) is a 2016 Japanese drama film directed by Takashi Yamazaki. It is based on the 2012 novel of same name (in Japanese) by Naoki Hyakuta. It was released in Japan on December 10, 2016.
The grand story of Japan's post-war reconstruction is based on the actual story of an oil company's president, namely Tetsuzo Kunioka, who believed in the power of oil, as opposed to coal, to abet the country's re-emergence. He believes Japan's resurgence must be fueled by oil and not by coal. Japan is weak, in ruins and has a devastated citizenry. Foreign powers watch and the country is isolated, yet the man takes over an oil tanker on a secret mission to the oil-rich Iran.
[Reference From “ Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
; https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5178532/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl]

The Library 「Wednesday Cinema」is free for you.

Welcome to the Library 「Movie Appreciation Room」on the 12th floor to watch the movie.

Best wishes,

STUST Library
