1. The Degree Exam application is divided into two rounds in the 2nd semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025:
The First round: from March 10 to March 16, 2025.
The Second round: from April 14 to April 20, 2025.
2.Graduate school students enrolled in and after 2017 must take the Academic Research Ethics Education online courses, pass the final exam, and obtain the AREE Certificate of Completion before applying for the Degree Exam.
3.Graduate school students should upload their dissertations/theses to Turnitin Plagiarism System (“Turnitin) and Write Aid Similarity Scanner (“WASS”) for generation of Turnitin Similarity Report and WASS comparison report. For more information, please attend the related Workshops held by the Library.
4.Graduate school students must pass the departmental dissertation/thesis Proposal Hearing Review in their area of specialization at least one month before applying for the Degree Exam online.
5.Applicants should apply online (https://aura.stust.edu.tw/DegreeApp/login.aspx) and turn in the designated documents to their departmental or institutional office.
Theses/dissertations are to be made public under Article 16 of the Degree Conferral Act. For students who require to delay the public release of their theses/dissertations due to confidential or patent matters, or prohibition by law, they should submit the Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation with the documentary evidence to their departmental Academic Committee for review. Only with the departmental approval will the public release be postponed.
6.The Master Degree Exam Committee must consist of three to five committee Members, of whom two-thirds shall be non-STUST members. If a student has co-advisors, the main advisor should nominate one of them as the Committee Member.
7.The Doctoral Degree Exam Committee must consist of five to nine members, of whom two-thirds shall be non-STUST members. If a student has co-advisors, the main advisor should nominate one of them as the Committee Member.
8.If Degree Exam Committee members request to revise the title of the dissertation/thesis during the Exam, students should re-print out the Mark Sheets and the Verification Certificate in the corrected title for members scoring and signatures right after the Exam. The title on the Mark Sheets and the Verification Certificate should be confirmed and cannot be altered.