📢 2025 南臺科技大學 校園企業徵才說明會 📢2025 Campus Recruitment Fair

2025/3/18 ~ 2025/3/27
View Count:49

At 10:00 AM, Orient Semiconductor Electronics,Ltd. and
At 2:00 PM, Shinli Enterprises will be presenting job opportunities for foreign nationals.

Fresh international graduates are welcome to bring their résumés and attend these sessions.

🌟 超過十家知名企業蒞臨,提供畢業生與準大四學生豐富的就業與實習機會!
Meet 10+ renowned companies offering exciting job and internship opportunities for graduates and upcoming seniors!

📅 日期:3月24日 (一) & 3月27日 (四)
Date: March 24 (Monday) & March 27 (Thursday)

📍 地點:L棟008
Venue: Building L, Room 008

🔹 畢業生 & 實習生皆可報名,優質職缺等你來探索!
Open to both graduates & interns—explore quality career opportunities!

🔹 本國籍生 & 外籍生 皆可參加
Both domestic & international students are welcome!

✨ 立即報名,開啟你的職涯新篇章!https://www.surveycake.com/s/LnzW7
Sign up now and take the first step towards your future career!
Register here: https://www.surveycake.com/s/LnzW7

🔥 JOIN US!邁向職場第一步,贏在起跑點!
JOIN US! Get a head start in your career and seize the opportunity!
