Department of Creative Product Design, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, won a Silver Award and the Best Interactive Design Award in the 10th International Competition of User Experience Design Award.

The User Experience Professional Association (UXPA) recently held the 10th User Experience Design Award Competition (UXDA) in Shanghai Grand. Assistant Professor Kun Ouyang from the Department of Innovative Product Design, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, led his team members Feng-Jia Zheng, Shuan-Yan Li, Kai-Zhen Peng, Yi-Jie Zhu, Yian-Jen Shei, and Wei-Ming Gao to China and won the Silver Award and Best Interactive Design Award with their "Armature-AR Intelligent Prosthetic Limb for Rehabilitation.”


【"Armature-AR Intelligent Prosthetic Limb for Rehabilitation” by Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology in demonstration.】

The work "Armature-AR Intelligent Prosthetic Limb for Rehabilitation” by Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology is a customized prosthetic aid for patients with elbow amputation. The work can drive the palms through the muscle sensor, allowing patients to regain control of their daily needs and build confidence. In addition, it can also enhance the patient’s willingness to rehabilitate with the AR rehabilitation game designed by Armature, while it effectively alleviate the pain of the affected limb. When using a rehabilitation game at home, it is also possible to transfer the rehabilitation record to the mobile application at the same time. The rehabilitation engineer then uses the records in the application to understand the patient's condition and adjust the treatment to the patient's rehabilitation for further improvement. This work is a practical product that can be used in real situations. Unlike students who only propose only concepts for products, they actually developed and applied their concepts to their achievement and effective goal.


【The student team of the Department of Creative Product Design, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, was enacting the prosthetic rehabilitation process.】

Prof. Kun Ouyang and the team members of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology said that Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology has always encouraged teachers and students to participate in international competitions, and has become the best partner for industry-university cooperation. In recent years, it has competed various large-scale industry-university cooperation at home and abroad, with outstanding performances. Thanks to the resources given by STUST and their college, the team could go to Shanghai to participate in the competition held by UXPA. They would also like to thank TGH Technology in Taiwan for its guidance and assistance. It was through such a cross-disciplinary cooperation that the work could be fully presented and would bring great news to the patients in need.


【Feng-Jia Zheng, Shuan-Yan Li, Kai-Zhen Peng, Yi-Jie Zhu, Yian-Jen Shei, and Wei-Ming Gao (from left to right) of Department of Innovative Product Design, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, won the Silver Award and Best Interactive Design Award with their "Armature-AR Intelligent Prosthetic Limb for Rehabilitation” in the 10th User Experience Design Award Competition (UXDA).】


【The members of the team from Department of Innovative Product Design, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, in the 10th User Experience Design Award Competition.】
