STUST held the Commencement Ceremony of 110 Academic Year.

The Commencement Ceremony of 110 Academic Year was originally scheduled to be held in the morning of June 5 at the Rainy-Day Stadium. In response to the severe pandemic, the commencement ceremony was cancelled. On that day, President Deng-Maw Lu and Chairman Jie-Han Yang of Student Graduation Association offered their blessings to the graduates and gave a speech on behalf of the graduates in the form of video recording. It is hoped that after graduation, graduates will be proud of their alma mater. With the saying "One day in STUST, A lifetime as a STUST student,” they encouraged the graduates to carry forward the spirit of STUST. Even though all the blessings were given online, the feelings of love and reluctance were very too strong.


[At the Commencement Ceremony of 110 Academic Year of STUST, President Deng-Maw Lu offered his blessings to the graduates.]

STUST has been prosperous in recent years. It has also made great progress in hardware and software facilities. The university also pays special attention to the whole-person development of students. In addition to refurbishing the student club activity center in G Building, STUST set up a landmark of "Heaven Square," and promoted various campus renovation projects, such as the tree planting and beautification project, the audio-visual environment upgrade of the N Building Concert Hall, and the Ji-Shian Hall in M Building. The Rainy-Day Stadium was also expanded, and the curriculum of the club was promoted. In addition to encouraging students to participate in the club, through the creation of student club space and the activation of the space, student clubs have been centrally managed to keep club activities away from the administrative area and teaching area to avoid mutual interference.

In recent years, STUST has been ranked first in the survey of corporate favorite college students given by Cheers Magazine’s and "Best University Rankings" organized by Vision Magazine. As for the “University Ranking of Humanities, Law, and Business, STUST is ranked first in the country. Under the funding of the "Higher Education Sprout Program," students have shown effectiveness of learning and future development, and they are worth of expectations from all walks of life.


[The Commencement Ceremony of 110 Academic Year of STUST was organized by Chairman Jie-Han Yang of Student Graduation Association, who delivered a speech on behalf of the graduates in the form of video recording and offered blessings to all graduates.]

Chairman Jie-Han Yang of Student Graduation Association said in his speech to graduates that students still remembered the day they just entered university. As they stepped into STUST for the first time, everyone had a very innocent heart, willing to do everything and try everything, and let us live in the university. All these have made their lives rich and full, and those who are going to graduate today have a fearless heart. Now students are about to step into the society, and everyone has to be willing to do everything and try everything to make their future lives more colorful. On the road to the future, every step is a mark of growth. Don't give up, stick to it! Students would be graduating during the pandemic, cheer up together and get through this difficult time! All these revealed the mixed feelings of the graduates who were born in 921 and graduated amid Covid-19.

President Deng-Maw Lu of STUST said in a speech that over the past year, the international political and economic order and lifestyle have been overturned due to the impact of the pandemic. Faced with the ever-changing industrial development, it has also tested every individual's ability to adapt to the future. Therefore, President Lu also encouraged graduates not only to give full play to their strengths in the professional field, but also to continuously expand their international horizons and innovative consciousness and to be brave enough to practice their dreams. Students must bear in mind the values and beliefs of the school motto—"Be Faithful and Honest"—as the principle of life and conduct for students and graduates of STUST. It is hoped that all the graduates will develop their brilliant lives step by step with a courageous attitude and a positive and responsible attitude.
