2018/09/19 Club Recruitment 13:00~17:00

2018/9/18 ~ 2018/9/20
View Count:1910

Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Club Recruitment Festival
Frontage of San-Lien Building
1.提供南臺日間部學生換票並且出示學生證,再由行政人員登記。 Only for the
students of the day division STUST.
按讚並且分享規則文章後,經由工作人員確認方可領票。 Click LIKE on the fan page of Student Union and share the post of lottery rules.
3.收集五個社團性質印章後,到學生會攤位蓋學生會章前,請參加摸彩卷人員至 Shopping Card 粉專按讚,再經由工作人員確認,即可得到學生會章。 Collect stamps from five clubs and click LIKE on the fan page of Shopping Card.
4.請中獎者在換獎期間內至學生會領獎,不得重複換票否則取消資格;此外領獎時務必本人出示學生證以及摸彩卷上個資需與本人相符才可領獎,否則也將取消資格。 Lottery winners have to claim the prizes at Student Union before the deadline of claiming prizes. Winners who re-collect the prizes will be disqualified. In addition, when claiming the prizes,
the winners will have to show their student ID cards. The winners will be disqualified if the personal details on their student ID cards are not consistent with those on the lottery tickets.
5.以上規定,若有未盡詳細事宜,依照活動情形,主辦單位可做適當調整。 Amendments can be made to the rules aforesaid by the organizer if
Organized by the 19th Student Union Administration Center
of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
指導單位:學生事務處 課外活動組
Advised by Extracurricular Activities Division, Office of Student Affairs
