新生學生證領取說明(Student Card Collection)

日期範圍:2021/10/8 ~ 2021/11/30
日期範圍:2021/10/8 ~ 2021/11/30
行政 行政公告

領取方式: 班代依排定時間統一領取
領取地點: 註冊組L103、L105(限人文學院及進修學制)
註冊組通知方式: 寄發Email通知班代
註冊組通知時間: 110年10月22日(五)起


🔸在學期間請養成南臺Gmail信箱收信習慣,以免錯過學校各處室重要通知!如有任何疑問,歡迎來信或來電至註冊組詢問(註冊組(06)253-3131 日:#2101~2104 夜:#2401~2403 E-mail:dept_register@stust.edu.tw)。


Student Card Collection
When: after the Registration Office notifies you by email upon the arrival of the card
Where: Registration Office(L103),Office hour: Mon.~ Fri., 8:30-12:00, 1:30-5:30

If you require the certificate of enrollment urgently, you could apply for it at the Document Kiosk at the L building and W building.

Please check your STUST Gmail often (at least once a week) so that you won’t miss important notices from STUST. Should you have any further questions regarding the student cards, you could contact us at 06-2533131 #2101-2104 or at email: dept_register@stust.edu.tw.

Reminders for Visiting Offices on Campus:
(1) Wear a mask at all times
(2) Implement contact-based registration, measure the forehead temperature and sanitize your hands
(3) Keep proper social distancing
